Monday, October 20, 2014

More Sleeping "Photo Bombs"

More photos for Jacob's collection of sleeping "photo bombs"

Rat Attack Oct 14, 2014

Things are going very good here! Im sad about Grandma but am so glad that the funeral went to well. I loved seeing all of the photos. Im sure its been a crazy couple of weeks. Transfers are not out yet, we will find out this monday what will happen. We had zone interviews  and conference in Dumaguete so spent 4 days on the island of negros. It was super fun as I was able to go on splits with my batch Elder Ioane, although tough since that was 4 days of no work in our area. Things are going really well! We are finally seeing people really progress from our first transfer. We were also able to watch general conference since its a week delayed here. Elder Bigornia and I are really working hard! Im so grateful for him, I dont feel like im training him but rather just companions as he has progressed so much.
    I loved conference so much! Its so interesting as how we grow and mature how conference begins to mean so much more. It was truly amazing, I loved the saturday talks! Though the Sunday were good too ( I dont think anyone would ever say any of them are bad hah). A couple stuck out to me though i dont have my notes with me right now and dont remember all their names. I really liked Elder Oaks and the one "which way do we face?". I feel that this is a challenge in the church. We must always reevaluate and face the Lord. I am going to download all the talks and listen to them again during the morning when we get ready. 
 Im glad all is going well! I love you all! Also I killed my first rat yesterday. He has been eating lots of our food and putting holes in lots of stuff. 
   Another funny story is we were watching the district ( the missionary video used for training here) with elder bigornia and it was so funny as we would point out all the differences. We would see the carpet floor ( we have cement) cushined chairs during study, microwaves, lamps, nice wooden desks for study, washers. It was kind of funny seeing the differences of difference missions. Sometimes i feel like i would want so of the other convenient stuff but seeing what others have here, im soo grateful for our apartment and love living such a basic life. Ive grown so much, its so amazing! I love yall all! 
Elder Crandall

Washing a cell phone Sept 30, 2014

Hello its been such a good week! I hope everyone is doing well! Its been a super crazy week! We had ward conference which is in Dumaguete as our group is apart of that ward. Then we stayed for the District meeting and then went back after. Tuesday we had a super full day of work!! And then this morning we came back to negros since there is a mission conference with all the missionaries in negros. ( there are 2 conference, one in cebu and one in negros). And then the following week we will come back for General conference. The work is really going well. Since its such a new area its a lot of planting. We have some really good investigators that we are excited about as we see their progression. I went on splits with the ZLs with Elder Wilding from Utah. We had an experience with this lady who did not like the missionaries. She was just like " you just want to baptize me, and then after I'll have to go on a mission like you!"  Elder Wilding talked to her and explained the importance of baptism and then said sister we do not want you to be baptized if you are not ready. We are here to help people get ready and receive answers that this church is true. It was a very interesting conversation as her views of us were so skewed. 
      Funny story, Elder Bigornia was holding the phone and had it in his pockets. We had to wake up this morning early to wash our clothes ( we do it all by hand so it takes a while) since we are in Dumaguete so we had to soak them the night before. We realized that he put in his pants in to the bucket with the phone in it! We are going to try to soak it in some rice. 
      We meet a guy at church in Dumaguete that lives on siquijor but come out once a week for church and to go to the movies. We visted him in siquijor.  He live in salt lake city but works for the FBI and is involved in a human trafficking case in Thailand right now. He is a very interesting guy. It was very nice to be able to speak in english! 
   I love yall! I hope all is going well!
  ELder Crandall

Photo is from our district activity at this beach place! Its so beautiful in siqiujor!